Monday, October 19, 2020

What if..

 What IF 

Trump is actually a good guy.. hear me out now. 

What if the US and the other nations were in somewhat of a downward trajectory and the power that be (They) decide to make people care again. Introduce Trump, who is fine at being the buffoon as long as people stroke his ego - and wham... we have the 2016 election happen and it draws out all of the issues wrong with the US. It makes people care again, it makes people who "hate anything they can't understand" even more glaring.. it shines a light in the room to show us all the cracks. COVID .. well.. I think that might have been nature possibly.. but maybe not. Maybe it was a way to thin the herd, especially in places where people would not listen to medical advice. 

or maybe it is all just Chaos and there is no way back now. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

A night of smoke, paint and flailing auras

 it is all just nothing much to do and nothing much to see does that make that me? 

my family is such a disapoinymny .. I want one to love me no matter what and I couldn create one.. does that make me as bad as them or the same 

i am afraid that my nursing is without compasssion  and I* dont know why I think it is necauser I feel threatedned some times i dont ;want to watch things die but maybe I do it so I can make suop re me . 

i dont think I wil ever find my life partner and that I wil lbe bound to vincent in my next lie 

